The Andhra Pradesh Forest Department, one of the administrative divisions of the AP government, deals with the management of the forests in AP. The department works to manage, protect, and conserve forests. So here is a complete Exam Syllabus, Exam Patterns, and the Best Book for Preparing for the 2023 APPSC Forest Range Officer exam.
For candidates to be eligible to take the APPSC Forest Range Officer Exam in 2023, the following conditions must be satisfied:
- Age: 18-30 years
- Education Qualification:
Candidate must have passed a Bachelor’s Degree in a relevant Discipline / Subject from any recognized university / Institution in India.
Bachelor’s Degree in Agriculture (II) Botany (III) Chemistry (IV) Computer Applications / Computer Science (V) Engineering (Agriculture / Chemical / Civil / Computer / Electrical / Electronics / Mechanical) (VI) Environmental Science (VII) Forestry (VIII) Geology (IX) Horticulture (X) Mathematics (XI) Physics (XII) Statistics (XIII) Veterinary Science (XIV) Zoology. - Nationality: Indian
APPSC Forest Range Officer Exam Pattern 2023
Screening Test
- Part-A- General Studies & Mental Ability and Mathematics ( SSC standard)
- Part-B- General Forestry- l & ll
Number of Questions: 75
Maximum Marks: 75
Time Duration: 150
Each question carries one mark.
There is a negative marking of 1/3 marks for each wrong answer.
Main Exam
- General English (50 marks) and General Telugu (50 marks)
Total Number Of Questions: 100
Full Marks:100
Time Duration: 100 Minutes - General Studies and Mental Ability
- Mathematics
- General Forestry- 1
- General Forestry- 2
Number of Questions: 150
Maximum Marks: 150
Time Duration: 150 Minutes
Each question carries 1 mark.
There is a negative marking of 1/3 marks for each wrong answer.\
APPSC Forest Range Officer Exam Syllabus 2023
Screening Test
Part- A
General Studies & Mental Ability
General Science, Current events of national and international, History of India, World Geography and Geography of India, Indian polity and Economy, Mental Ability, Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection, Disaster Management etc.
Arithmetic, Number System, Elementary Number Theory , Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry: Lines and angles, Plane and plane figures, Theorems, Mensuration, Statistics, Measures of central tendency, Mensuration, Statistics
Part B
General Forestry – I
Plant Science, Plant Varieties, Biodiversity & its conservation, Introduction, Threats to biodiversity, Conservation of biodiversity, Agriculture, Horticulture Science, Importance of horticulture in terms of economy, production, employment generation, environmental protection, and human resource development, Nutritional value of horticultural crops, Divisions of horticulture and their importance, Plant Propagation, Greenhouse Production, Soil Science, Geology, Water Resource Management, Watershed Management, Silviculture, Agroforestry, Social Forestry, Joint Forest Management, Farm, Agri & Forest Power Tools & Machinery, Types, Uses, maintenance, and safety measures.
General Forestry – II
Ecosystems & Wildlife, Forest Protection And Wildlife Biology, Genetics and Breeding, Nutrition, Veterinary Science, Economic Zoology, Forest Economics, Legislation & Administration, Sampling Theory, Forest Mensuration, Remote Sensing and Forest Working Plan, Renewable and non-renewable resources: Natural resources and associated problems, Environmental Sciences, Transportation Techniques, Project Management, Communications
Main Exam Syllabus
Part- A
General English & General Telugu (To be qualified individually)
Comprehension, Usage and idioms, Vocabulary and Punctuation, Logical Rearrangement of sentences
Synonyms & Vocabulary, Grammar, Telugu to English Meanings, English to Telugu Meanings
Paper-I – General Studies & Mental Ability
General Science, Current events of national and international, History of India, World Geography and Geography of India, Indian polity and Economy, Mental Ability, Sustainable Development and Environmental Protection, Disaster Management etc.
Paper-II- Mathematics
Arithmetic, Algebra, Trigonometry, Geometry, Mensuration, Statistics
Paper-III General Forestry-l
Plant Science, Plant Varieties, Biodiversity & its conservation, Agriculture, Horticulture Science, Plant Propagation, Greenhouse Production, Soil Science, Geology, Water Resource Management, Watershed Management, Silviculture, Agroforestry, Social Forestry, Joint Forest Management, Farm, Agri & Forest Power Tools & Machinery.
Paper-IV- General Forestry-II
Ecosystems & Wildlife, Forest Protection And Wildlife Biology, Genetics and Breeding, Nutrition, Veterinary Science, Economic Zoology, Forest Economics, Legislation & Administration, Sampling Theory, Forest Mensuration, Remote Sensing and Forest Working Plan, Renewable and non-renewable resources: Natural resources and associated problems, Environmental Sciences, Transportation Techniques, Project Management, Communications
Recommended Books for APPSC Forest Range Officer Exam
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the APPSC Forest Range Officer Exam sections.
General Knowledge
General Studies
Mathematical Ability
Number of Pages: 996
By Dr. R.S. Aggarwal