BPSC Head Teacher Exam is conducted by the Bihar Public Service Commission for the recruitment of Head Teacher in the BPSC
The Best Book for Studying for the 2023 BPSC Head Teacher is listed in this post together with the Whole Exam Syllabus, Exam Patterns, and Reference Materials.
To be eligible for the 2023 BPSC Head Teacher Test, applicants must meet the following requirements:
- Age: 21-37 years
- Education Qualification: Graduate
Must have qualified D.El.Ed/B.T/B.Ed./B.A.Ed/8. Sc.Ed/B.L.Ed.
Pass the Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) conducted by the Bihar Board.
Must be a citizen of India and belongs to the state of Bihar. - Nationality: Indian
BPSC Head Teacher Exam Pattern 2023
- D.El.Ed
- General Studies
Marks Allotted- 75 Marks
BPSC Head Teacher Exam Syllabus 2023
General Studies
General Science, Current events of national and international importance, Indian- National movement and the part played by Bihar in it, Geography, Indian Polity, Elementary Mathematics and Mental ability test
Unit 1
- Children and their Childhood: cultural and historical understanding
- Context of Child Rights
- Education, School, and Society
- Understanding the role and effects of various factors in the process of socialization in school
- Education- General Concept, Objectives and Nature of school education.
- Various bases/approaches to understanding education are Philosophical, Psychological, Sociological, Literature of Education, History of Education, etc.
- Concept of Knowledge: Philosophical Perspectives
Unit 2
- Mahatma Gandhi-Hind Swaraj: Underlining the relationship between social philosophy and education
- Gijubhai Badheka: outlining the idea of experimentation in daydreaming education
- Rabindranath Tagore: underlining the role of Freedom and autonomy in learning education
- From the book Maria Montessori-The Receptive Mind, a chapter titled ‘Sequences of Development: Outlining the Special Practices in Children’s Learning
- The statement is given to Jyotiba Phule-Hunter Commission (1882) Educational, Social and Cultural Highlighting Inequality
- Dr. Zakir Hussain – Educational Articles: Underlining the Importance of Child-Centered Education
- J. Krishnamurthy – What is education, outlining the role of dialogue in teaching-learning
- John Dewey–Education is a necessity of life from education and democracy Article title: Education and underlining the interaction of Society
Unit 3
- Curriculum and Curriculum: Concepts and Miscellaneous Basis.
- The Role of Work and Education in the Curriculum The Problem of Action-Centered
- Pedagogy Psychosocial Factors Affecting Childhood
- Child Development Concept Factors Affecting Various Dimensions of Development
- Understanding of Growth and Development Interrelationship Methods of Study
- Understanding of children’s physical and cognitive development
- Creativity concept of special importance in the context of children
- Meaning of play Concept, characteristic, importance in the context of children’s development
- Various dimensions of personality development Special reference to Ericsson’s theory
- Aspects of Emotional Development in Children John Balby’s Theory and Other Ideas
- Moral Development and Children’s Concept of Right and Wrong, Jean Piaget and Kohlberg’s Theory
- Need and objective of ECCE
- Understanding of a balanced and contextualized ECCE curriculum
- Short and long-term objectives and planning of the ECCE curriculum
- Creating a developmental, child-centered, and inclusive environment in the classroom
- Different dimensions of development and learning in the early years
- Children with special needs (disabled) and early childhood care and education
- Physical Education Concept and Importance
- Current Status of Early Childhood Care and Education in Bihar
- Challenges and Innovations of early childhood education in the State
- Expectations of institutions (academic and social) in the preparation of schools in the state
Unit- 5
- Critical understanding of the organizational aspects of school culture, concept structure and components.
- Changes in the school system under the Right to Education
- School organization and management in line with inclusive education
- Change in a school environment and classroom teaching through art-integrated education
- The nature of classroom teaching is traditional, child-centered, democratic, creative, etc.
- Co-curricular and co-scholastic activities Importance, planning, and implementation (activities, arts, sports, etc.)
- System of assessment and evaluation in the school Continuous and comprehensive assessment, progress sheet
- Teacher Professional Development Concept Requirement, Policy Discussion, and Border
- School Leadership System and Teacher Administrative, Collective Pedagogical Transformational
- Nearby District Level Institutions Cluster Resource Center (CRC). Block Resource Center (BRC), District Institute of Education and Training (DIET), College of Elementary Teacher Education (PTEC)
- State Level Institutions State Council of Education Research and Training (SCERT). Bihar Education Project Council (BEPC). Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB), Bihar Sanskrit Education Board (BSSB). Bihar State Madrasa Education Board (BSMEB). Bihar Board of Open Schooling and Examination (BBOSE)
- National Level Institutions National Council of Educational Research and Training (NCERT). Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). National Institute of Educational
- Planning and Administration (NIEPA). National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE).
- Different forms of inclusion and exclusion in Indian society (marginalized society, gender, children with special needs – handicapped)
- Understanding of Diversity and Inequality in Classrooms Curricular and Pedagogical Context
- Nature and Process of Assessment for inclusive education
- Reference to children with special needs in inclusive education Historical development, current status, Challenges, the context of Bihar
- Gender discrimination is prevalent in the education system and school curriculum, textbooks, classroom procedures
- With special reference to student-teacher interaction Role of education in gender sensitivity and equality –
- Education concept for equity, equality and social justice Needs and constraints
- Contemporary discourse on the identity of teachers, Concept of an ideal teacher
- National Curriculum Framework – 2005 and Bihar Curriculum Framework 2008 with special reference to Science, Environment, Mathematics, Language, and Social Science Pedagogy
- Importance and use of audio-video, and multimedia tools in teaching-learning
- Integration of ICT with learning planning and other school work
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the BPSC Head Teacher Exam .
Number of Pages: 944
By Late Majid Husain