The Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) holds the IBPS RRB examination each year at the national level for applicants who wish to work for the Regional Rural Bank (RRBs).
It is held for different posts such as Office Assistant, Marketing Manager, Treasury Manager, Officers Scale I, Banking Officer Scale II, Agriculture Officer (Grade II), Law Officer (Grade II), Chartered Accountant (Grade II), IT Officer (Grade II), Officer (Grade III)
Candidates need to satisfy the following conditions to be eligible for the IBPS RRB in 2023:
- Age: Minimum age:18 years, Maximum age-40 years
- Education Qualification: candidates must have a bachelor’s degree from a recognized board or university.
- Local Language Proficiency: Candidates are required to possess proficiency in the local language of the State/UT
- Nationality: Indian, Nepal, Bhutan
- Number of Attempts: No limit
In this article, We covered a detailed Exam Syllabus, Exam Patterns, and the Best book for preparation for IBPS Clerk Exam 2023 Examination.
IBPS RRB Exam Pattern
- IBPS conducts a two-stage written test for Officer Scale-I and Office Assistant posts
- for Officer Scale II and III, there is only one written test.
- The interview phase only applies to Officers Scale I, II, and III posts.
IBPS RRB Exam Pattern for Office Assistant
No of Questions | Full Marks | |
Prelims Exam (Time Duration: 45 Minutes) | ||
Reasoning Ability | 40 | 40 |
Numerical Ability | 40 | 40 |
Mains Exam (Time Duration: 2 Hours) | ||
Reasoning Ability | 40 | 50 |
Numerical Ability | 40 | 50 |
General Awareness | 40 | 40 |
English/Hindi Language | 40 | 40 |
Computer Knowledge | 40 | 20 |
IBPS RRB Exam Pattern for Officers Scale I
No of Questions | Full Marks | |
Prelims Exam (Time Duration: 45 Minutes) | ||
Reasoning Ability | 40 | 40 |
Numerical Ability | 40 | 40 |
Mains Exam (Time Duration: 2 Hours) | ||
Reasoning | 40 | 50 |
Quantitative Aptitude | 40 | 50 |
General Awareness | 40 | 40 |
English/Hindi Language | 40 | 40 |
Computer Knowledge | 40 | 20 |
English Language
Spotting Errors, Commonly Misspelled Words, Jumbled Words, Phrase Substitution, Fill in the Blanks, Jumbled up sentences, Idioms and Phrases, Cloze Tests, Comprehension, and one-word Substitution.
Recommended Books
It is an again scoring section of the IBPS RRB exam. We have mentioned the best English books that provide correct questions and strategies for IBPS RRB Exam Preparation.
Reasoning Ability
Odd One out, Syllogism, Blood Relation, Series Test, Ranking and Time, Direction Sense Test, Decision Making, Figure Series, Statement and Conclusion, Statement and Arguments, Figure Series Test, Analogy, Coding-Decoding, Alphabet Test, Number, Causes and Effects, Sitting Arrangements, Statement and Assumption, Assertion and Reason, Word Formation, Statements and Action Courses, Miscellaneous Tests
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the IBPS RRB Exam’s Reasoning sections.
Number of Pages: 1216
By R.S. Aggarwal
Quantitative Aptitude
Number System, Decimal Fraction, Simple Interest, Time and Work, Averages, Partnership, Ratio and Proportion, Case Studies, Permutation and Combination, HCF and LCM, Profit and Loss, Compound Interest, Time and Distance, Simplification, Percentages, Averages, Charts and Graphs, Probability
Recommended Books
Math is one of the most crucial Courses for passing any competitive exam. For exam preparation, candidates should consult books on quantitative aptitude.
General Awareness
Current Affairs, Social Function of Banks, Countries/Currencies, UNO, Indian and International Economy, Marketing, Banking Terms, Awards and Honours, RBI, Sports, Books and Authors, Finance, Fiscal Monetary Policies, Agriculture, Repo and Reverse Repo Rate, History of Banking
Recommended Books
Candidates should check the best preparation books for General Awareness Section.
Computer Awareness
Computer Fundamentals, Computer Abbreviations, Software and Hardware Fundamentals, Shortcut Keys, Networking, Basic Knowledge of the Internet, MS Office, History of Computers Database, Security Tools, History and Future of Computers, Viruses, Hacking
Recommended Books
Candidates should check the best preparation books for Computer aptitude