The Punjab Public Service Commission has released a recruitment notification for the PPSC Assistant Environmental Engineer position. Through this recruitment, candidates will be hired in the science, technology, and environment department.
This post contains a complete Exam Syllabus, Exam Patterns, and the Best Book for Preparing for the 2023 PPSC Assistant Environmental Engineer Test.
To be eligible for the 2023 PPSC Assistant Environmental Engineer Test, applicants must meet the following criteria:
- Age: 18-37 years
- Education Qualification: A degree certificate in civil/chemical/environment engineering from a recognized university or institution
- Nationality: Indian
- Number of attempts: No Limit
PPSC Assistant Environmental Engineer Exam Pattern 2023
- The question paper will be objective type.
- Each question carries 4 marks.
- 1 mark will be deducted for every wrong answer marked.
Part A- Concerned Engineering Subject
- Total Number of Questions: 100
Total marks:400
Part B- GK, Current Affairs, General Mental Ability, Logical Reasoning, & Quantitative Aptitude
- Total Number of Questions: 20
- Total marks:80
Total Time Duration: 02 hours
PPSC Assistant Environmental Engineer Exam Syllabus 2023
Part- A
- Air Pollution
Air quality and emission standards Control Technologies, Control of Automobile Emissions
- Solid Waste Management
Solid Waste management and generation, Need and requirements for management and planning, Solid waste characterization, Treatment and disposal techniques Treatment Methods for water & waste, Natural Treatment – Wetland Systems, Tertiary Treatment systems, Identification of hazardous wastes, Hydraulic Design of Sewers
- Hydrology and Groundwater
Hydrologic cycle, Scope and Applications Precipitation, Abstractions from Precipitation, Run Off, Hydrographs, Reservoir Planning
- Environmental and Ecological Studies
Concept of Biosphere, Natural Resources, Types of Ecosystems, Threats to biodiversity, Solid Waste Management, Disaster Management, Environmental Protection Laws in India, Environment Impact Assessment
- General Knowledge and Current Affairs
Economic issues, Polity issues, Environment issues, Geography, Science and Technology, Any other current issues, History of India with special reference to the Indian freedom struggle movement, History of Punjab- 14th century onwards
- Logical Reasoning, Mental Ability & Quantitative Aptitude
Logical reasoning, analytical and mental ability, Basic numerical skills, numbers, magnitudes, percentages, numerical relation appreciation, Data analysis, Graphic presentation charts, tables, spreadsheets
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the PPSC Assistant Environmental Engineer Exam’s section