UPSSSC (Uttar Pradesh Subordinate Services Selection Commission) PET is the Preliminary Eligibility Test, generally known as UPSSSC PET or UP PET or PET exam. The exam is held annually for 10th-pass candidates to fill vacancies in Group B and C posts.
We covered a thorough Exam Syllabus, Exam Patterns, and the Best Book for UPSSSC PET Exam 2023 Examination Preparation in this article.
To be eligible for the UPSSSC PET in 2023, candidates must meet the following requirements:
- Age: 18 to 40 years
- Education Qualification: The candidate must have passed at least a high school education.
- Nationality: Indian
- Number of attempts: No limit
UPSSSC PET Exam Pattern 2023
- There will be objective-type multiple-choice questions on the exam.
- A total of 100 questions will be asked.
- The examination will last two hours.
- Each correct answer carries 1 mark.
- Wrong answers will result in a negative marking of ¼ marks.
Indian History
Indian National Movement
Indian Economy
Indian Constitution & Public Administration
General Science
Elementary Arithmetic
General Hindi
General English
Logic & Reasoning
- Total marks for each subject- 05
Current Affairs
General Awareness
Analysis of 2 Unseen Hindi Passages
Graph Analysis & Interpretation
Tables Analysis & Interpretation
- Total marks for each subject- 10
General Hindi
Treaty (सन्धि), Antonyms words (विलोम शब्द), synonym words (पर्यायवाची शब्द), A word for phrases (वाक्यांशो के लिए एक शब्द), Gender (लिंग), Equivalent words (समश्रुत भिन्नार्थक शब्द), Idioms (मुहावरे लोकोत्तियां), Common errors (सामान्य अशुद्धियां), Writers and compositions – prose and poetry (लेखक एवं रचनाएं – गद्य एवं पद्य)
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the UPSSSC PET Exam’s General Hindi sections.
By Hardev Bahri
Number of Pages: 508
By Agrawal Examcart
Logic & Reasoning
Large and Small, Order and Ranking, Blood Relation, Segregate, Calendar and Watch, Cause and Effect, Coding and Decoding- Numbers and Letters, Negative Reasoning- Statement Analysis and Decision
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the UPSSSC PET Exam’s Logic & Reasoning sections.
Number of Pages: 1216
By R.S. Aggarwal
Number of Pages: 280
By Disha Experts
Elementary Arithmetic
Whole Numbers, Different, Decimal, Percentage, Simple Numerical Equation, Square and Square Root, Exponent and Power, Average
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the UPSSSC PET Exam’s Elementary Arithmetic sections.
Current Affairs
National & International
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the UPSSSC PET Exam’s Current Affairs sections.
Indian History and National Movement
Indus Valley Civilization, Vedic Culture, Buddhism, Jainism, Maurya Dynasty, Gupta Dynasty, Harshwardhan, Rajput Period, Sultanate Period, Mughal Empire, Maratha, The Rise of the British Raj and The First Freedom Struggle, Social and Economic Impact of The British Raj, The Early Years of The Independence Movement, Swadeshi and Civil Disobedience Movement, Revolutionary Movement and The Rise of Extremism, Legislative Amendment and The British India Act, 1935, Quit India Movement, Azad Hind Fauj and Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the UPSSSC PET Exam’s Indian History and National Movement
Number of Pages: 284
By Poonam Dalal Dahiya
- Physical Geography of India and The World
Rivers and valleys of rivers
Groundwater resources
Mountains and glaciers
Desert and dry areas
Mineral resources
- Political Geography of India and The World
- Climate and Weather
- Time Zone
- Population Change and Migration
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the UPSSSC PET Exam’s Geography sections.
Number of Pages: 944
By Late Majid Husain
Indian Economy
- Indian Economy from 1947 to 1991
Planning Commission and Five-Year Plans
Development of Mixed Economy-Private and Public Sector
Green Revolution
Milk Development and Operation Flood
Nationalization and Reforms of Banks - Economic Reforms in 1991 and the economy thereafter
- Post-2014 Economic Reforms
Agriculture Reforms
Structural Reforms
Labor Reforms
Financial Improvement
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the UPSSSC PET Exam’s Indian Economy sections.
Indian Constitution & Public Administration
Number of Pages: 576
By Anupama Puri Mahajan
General English
English Grammar, Questions on passages
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the UPSSSC PET Exam’s General English sections.
General Science
Elementary Physics, Elementary Chemistry, Elementary Biology
Recommended Books
You can use the best books on our list to help you study for the UPSSSC PET Exam’s General Science sections.